Sure, a physical book is the best way to go, but why miss out on the best books just because they are out of reach for our budget and not available locally to borrow? Here are five we are enjoying right now . . . and for a change, not all of them are "old" or in the public domain.
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Star Stories for Little Folks by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Who knew that Gertrude Chandler Warner of Boxcar Children fame wrote a book about the stars? This is a very simple, practical, and charming book for learning about the constellations. It makes a great companion to Find the Constellations by H.A. Rey which is part of my son's science lessons this year, but it is even more accessible for younger kids--like my newly minted 5-year-old.
Harry Stottlemeir's Discovery by Matthew Lipman
This introduction to logical reasoning is told through the story of young students trying to make sense of it themselves--mainly through talking to each other, with input from teachers and parents. The ideas are introduced slowly which gives my kids plenty of time to mull things over before we get to the next chapter. And the chapters are short--only a few pages each. It is definitely geared toward elementary and middle school-aged students. If you have older kids, don't miss Sophie's World--an amazing introduction to the history of philosophical thought. It isn't free, but you can often find it for a few bucks on Amazon or Thriftbooks.
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
It is hard to describe how much my kids are enjoying this book. When I read it only a few years ago, I was quite put off by its old-fashioned language and thought that my kids might feel the same. I was so wrong! They love following Christian's journey to the celestial city and narrate well from it. And the biggest surprise is that I am enjoying it much more myself this time around. I think sharing it aloud helps.
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table by Howard Pyle
We love Howard Pyle! That's why I made a list of his free books on Google. This collection is a little darker than some of the others (it is no Robin Hood!) but we are enjoying it anyway--although in all honesty, my daughter is sometimes a little troubled by the violent parts of the knightly combat. I love that the Google versions contain all of Pyle's beautiful illustrations.
Squirrels in the Garden by Olive L. Earle
This title appears on my list of best free nature lore books but it bears special mention this time of year when squirrels are so much fun to watch! Unfortunately, this one cannot be downloaded. However, it can be "checked out" for 14 days from the Internet Archive and it is so worth it! It closely follows a mother squirrel and her babies, all the while teaching you so much about squirrel life and behaviors.
So that's a sneak peek into what we're loving in our homeschool. What books are you loving right now?
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Thank you for this list!